The Foundations Of Real True Love Mentoring

The Foundations of Real True Love Mentoring

Lauren as a real true love mentor is someone who guides individuals on their journey to attracting and nurturing authentic, deep, and meaningful romantic relationships.

Lauren enjoys sharing what she has learned herself over the years with manifesting and the law of attraction. She first learned about the law of attraction through the movie “The Secret”. From there, she was desperate to learn if she had her own soulmate and real true love after a relationship with a guy who wouldn’t love her and she was trying everything to get him to love her.

From that, she learned a lot about relationships through lots of books, relationship experts online newsletters, ebooks, audios and webinars. She learned from Dr John Demartini, Dr Joe Vitale, Dr Wayne Dwyer,

This type of mentor helps people discover and embrace the principles of love, self-worth, and healthy relationship dynamics, ensuring that the love they seek is genuine, lasting, and aligned with their values.

Key aspects of being a real true love mentor means using Lauren’s guidance to include:

  1. Self-discovery and self-love: They help individuals understand the importance of loving and accepting themselves before they can attract a fulfilling relationship. This often involves exploring past traumas, insecurities, or limiting beliefs about love.
  2. Clarifying relationship desires: A love mentor assists in identifying what a person truly wants and needs in a romantic partner, and helps align their goals and values with this vision.
  3. Attracting healthy relationships: They provide strategies for meeting potential partners who share compatible values and are emotionally available for a real connection. This often involves cultivating positive energy, confidence, and authenticity.
  4. Setting boundaries and communication: A mentor teaches how to maintain healthy boundaries and foster open, honest communication in relationships, creating a foundation for trust and respect.
  5. Navigating dating challenges: The mentor can offer advice on handling rejection, avoiding unhealthy patterns, and making informed decisions about potential partners.

A real true love mentor often combines practical advice with emotional or spiritual wisdom to guide their mentees in creating deep and lasting romantic connections.

Want to learn more or would you like to work with Lauren?

You can pre-order her new book: Real True Love – Now!

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To Attract Your True Love, You Need to Love Yourself

What Does That Mean Exactly?

So many coaches, books, audios, webinars & seminars on finding the love of your life, explain the importance of loving yourself, but how do you love yourself more?

Loving yourself coincides with being yourself, because when you love who you are, then you’re happy to be yourself no matter whom you are with.  So it’s about learning to honour yourself in all aspects your life and especially while dating on your path to finding your True Love.

Being yourself also involves tuning into your true inner self and is a process of a combination of things.  The main part of the process is the journey of life you are going through before you meet your True Love. 

Loving yourself involves being happy with where you are and what you are doing at the moment.  You need to find that inner peace that everything is good no matter what happens.  You need to appreciate everything in your life and see the good in it, even if it’s hard.

Loving yourself & being true to yourself also involves being honest with yourself and speaking up when you know something isn’t right.  Saying “no” when you mean no and having the confidence to say “yes” as well when you want something.  This means letting go of whether you think you will hurt someone else’s feelings, because you are honouring yourself and loving yourself when you say something that is true for you.  As long as speaking your truth is also respectful to others around you as well.

An example of this could include, saying “no” when a guy on a date wants to kiss you and you’d rather wait until he calls you his girlfriend before you get intimate.  You may not want to hurt his feelings, so it takes courage to say no.  No matter what his reaction will be, you’ll know that if he’s a good man looking for “True Love” too, that he won’t mind waiting and making sure you’re right for him too before you get intimate.

Same with the guys, as an example for them could be having the courage to say “no” when she invites you in, as you know you need to take it slow too in the beginning to make sure that she is the girl you have been looking for, without getting caught up with “looks only” if she’s really attractive.

So loving yourself means that you are happy and fulfilled on your own before you meet your True Love.  That will mean you won’t get upset when a guy doesn’t call you back, as you’ll know that he wasn’t the right guy for you and that someone better is coming along.  So that when they come along, you don’t require love from them to feel loved.  As love is a feeling already within yourself and you can already look yourself in the mirror and say “I Love You” before someone else looks at you and says that.

You also show love for yourself when you no longer make negative jokes about yourself or think negative thoughts about yourself.  This could include jokes about how unattractive you are, or saying how dumb you are.  Because you will respect yourself to know that you are attractive just as you were created and you are smart in ways that may be different to others, but you appreciate that and don’t need to put yourself down to make others feel better.

You will no longer rely on someone else to make you happy and you make time everyday to do things that you really enjoy.  You can support others as well as be able to open up to let others support you.  You will know why you do what you do everyday and will feel fulfilled or will just enjoy making time to do what makes you most happy.

Loving yourself is a full time job, as we have thousands of thoughts in our mind everyday and we can determine what these thoughts are and how they affect us.  So if you do have many negative thoughts about yourself, you can change that now and turn it around to more positive thoughts.  Start to see how brilliant you really are and appreciate that you’re special and unique.  You shouldn’t want to be like anyone else, as your “True Love” will appreciate how special and unique you are too when they met you.  Being unique will be like a breath of fresh air for them.

I thought I was too high maintenance for any guy to put up with, but I learned to fall in love with my so-called “fussiness” and finally met someone who also loves that about me.  For those who know me, I am very fussy.  I prefer gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, organic etc.  Now when I go out with my husband to cafes he asks the waiter before I do if they have any foods, which include the above.  I feel like he knows more about me more than what I know about myself. Your true love will love and respect you for being different, so have the confidence to speak up, say what you want or what you prefer and he will admire you for it. To learn more about my journey, you can go here to “About Lauren“.

So now you have some tips for loving yourself, they won’t help much unless you put them into action.  So start now by saying some nice thoughts to yourself in your head.  If you need more assistance to catch these negative thoughts to turn them into positives, write some affirmations around the house & in your car to help you remember how brilliant you are. 

We all prefer to be around happy, positive people who love their life, so be the person you want to attract into your life too. Where you’re being different, will be like a breath of fresh air to attract the right partner or true love.

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